Early humans, Homo Sapien Sapiens, were the first artist who drew on their cave walls. They drew lots of things, such as animals. Scientists think they drew what they could have seen or their imaginations. They also think that they drew a scene of hunting, or ritual, or the nature. They didn't only draw, they made many artifacts too. They made sculptures, spear throwers, and etc.
I think they express their culture by drawing a part of their rituals and their artifacts which were used in their rituals. Like the Clay Sculptures of Bison-which has lots of children foot prints, so scientists think there was a place which held coming-of-age ceremony-the artifacts include lots of informations about them. We can also predict that they believed the sprits, and the gods by looking at their spear thrower. The spear thrower has a horse carved on the top. In the birdman painting, there is a spear thrower with a bird carved on the top. Why did ancient people had animal carved on their spear thrower? We can guess right away. Maybe they believed in spirits, or it was their symbol.
For drawings, there are also an example for this, a painting that contains a picture of a injured man with the bird head, an injured bison with a spear-which has went in, and a bird-shaped spear thrower. Scientist thinks this drawing is a part of a hunting ritual that was held long ago, because the drawing contains weapons. This drawing shows their hunting ritual which is a part of their culture, so it proves my answer.
I have support my answer with Clay Sculptures of Bison, Spear Thrower, and the drawing of hunting ritual. I think they worked on my answer. Again, my answer is that the ancient people drew paintings about their rituals and they made artifacts which was used in their rituals to express their culture by using art.