Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Me in 3

I believe the objects that represent me well are a coin case, a bamboo sword and a
pencil case. Their connections very from slight to very much. I believe they are all connected in
some ways. For example, they describe my characteristics that are similar, or their purpose and
uses. They are all important to me. Items sometimes go missing or are damaged. A few of my
favorites did. These three are the current top 3 that describe me well.
First is my coin case. It was actually my iPod case, but I started gathering coins inside.
This was because I hated to see coins lying down everywhere in my room. Although I had coins
widely spread in my room for months, suddenly I hated it and I desperately wanted to organize
them into one place. Now, I bring my coin case almost everywhere. Although it is heavy, it does
not matter to me unless I can keep coins wandering in my locker, room, drawer or any other
places. In conclusion, my coin case illustrates my unstable organization.
Secondly, bamboo sword that i use for my Kumdo (Korean sword fighting sports)
lessons shows the amount of efforts I had put into. For example, the handle of the bamboo stick
was originally white and it was spiky. Now, the handle has been worn out a lot; it has become
black, and it has been softened. It is as worn out as senior players. Not only the handle, but the
whole sword is shabby. Burn marks from striking dummies are all over the sword, and the color
of the sword is darkened. This represents how much I had attended and how hard I played.
Next, my pencil case informs that I am really unbalanced, but organized. As you see my
pencil case, you will notice that it is really fat. The actual size of the pencil case is not really big,
but as I forced stationery inside, it looks like it is going to explode. For this reason, I have almost
everything in my pencil case, but sometimes I forget to bring other stationery, thinking that I
already have it in my pencil case. I try to keep everything with me and this confuses me.
Sometimes, I check my pencil case and see what is inside, but I can’t find it when I need it. It
shows that I tried to organize myself but not very effectively.
My pencil case also represents my personality. A pencil case is where you put the most
essential tools for studying. Like a pencil case, I try to put most essential ideas or plans in my
head, in order to make no mistakes. Therefore, the only time when I forget is when I did not
inform myself or I just can not remember. That happens when I am busy or I have too many
ideas or plans in my head. My head also has limit for short memories.
In the end, I think they do reflect my character well. Reading my reasons again made me
think about my three objects and it helped me to understand my personality better. In the end, I
suppose they fit me the best and explain my personality better than any other items.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Samuel Bio Poem

Jong Hyun

Unpredictable, Calm, Levelheaded, Justice

Son of Jung Ho and Hyun Mi

Who enjoys playing basketball, reading novels and being in comfortable place

Who feels nervous when he forgot something, refreshed after working or training hard, and happy when he accomplished a goal.

Who fears climbing waterfall, drowning in the water and the sea that is filled with creatures

Who was able to explain in front of the whole class without falling down

Who would like to see peaceful world and better preserved nature in the very near future

Who stays in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia