'The Eternal Jew', by David Pinski in 1937, was one of the Nazi propaganda films posters that was printed during the Nazi era. The purpose of the poster was to rise the popularity and the power of the Nazi government and to dissuade Germans to support communists and the Jews. The poster of 'The Eternal Jew' includes a Jewish man in a black suit in the yellow background. In the painting, he is holding gold coins in his right hand and a whip in his left hand. Furthermore, there is a plank under his left armpit that is in the shape of a border of a Germany and consists the sign of communism. It looks as if the Jewish man is luring people with gold coins and his whip suggest that he is not to be trusted, since the whip is a aggressive weapon. Moreover, the plank with communism sign suggest that the Jew were the origin, the reason of the communism or they are the same. Additionally, This might have discouraged Germans from helping or even having a positive mind about the Jews. Moreover, this could have possibly affect Germans to pressure the Jews in Germany. Therefore, This image is forcing people to have a negative belief about the Jews. This piece portraits the Jews as the source of evil and errors made. By handing a whip, sign of communism and the gold coins to Jewish man in the art, the man is reflecting the characteristics of the ultimate assortment of the Nazi's antagonist.
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